Hi, I’m Jimmy Hickey. I’m a statistics PhD student at North Carolina State University. My research focuses on developing new methods in transfer learning and time-to-event machine learning. You can view my resume here here or even my whole dang CV here. You can see some of my programming misadventures in the projects section and in the posts section you will mostly see my old homework solutions (let me know if you find any typos!).


  1. C Hong, M Liu, D M Wojdyla, J Hickey, M Pencina, R Henao (2023). Trans-Balance: Reducing Demographic Disparity for Prediction Models in the Presence of Class Imbalance. [manuscript] The Journal of Biomedical Informatics

  2. J Hickey, R Henao, M Pencina, D M Wojdyla, M Engelhard (2024). Adaptive Discretization for Event PredicTion (ADEPT). [manuscript] AISTATS

  3. J Hickey, J P Williams, E C Hector (202x). Transfer Learning with Uncertainty Quantification: Random Effect Calibration of Source to Target (RECaST). [manuscript] R&R at The Journal of Machine Learning Research


  • Hitting tennis balls into nets
  • Frantically trying to speed run the New York Times Mini Crossword
  • Spending more time automating something than it would take to complete the task
  • Making one move blunders in chess

My more politically charged opinions

  • 0 based indexing > 1 based indexing
  • Dark theme > Light theme
  • Oxford comma > No Oxford comma
  • 0.5mm pencils > 0.9mm pencils
  • $E(X)^2$ is super ambiguous. Is it $E(X^2)$ or $[E(X)]^2$?! Looking at you, Casella and Berger.