Example Problems on Linear Algebra

ST705 Homework 1 on Linear Algebra


Prove the following theorem. Let $V$ be a vector space and $B = {u_{1},\dots,u_{n}}$ be a subset of $V$. Then $B$ is a basis if and only if each $v \in V$ can be expressed uniquely as

\[v = a_{1}u_{1} + \cdots + a_{n}u_{n}\]

for some set of scalars ${a_{1},\dots,a_{n}}$.



Take $B= \{ b_1, b_2, \dots , b_n \}$ to be a basis of $V$. Then, $B$ is linearly independent and generates $V$. So, for all $v\in V$

\[v = x_1 \cdot b_1 + \dots + x_n \cdot b_n\]

for some scalars $x_1, \dots, x_n$, Now, let’s check for uniqueness of the scalar multiples. Say there exists some scalars $y_1, \dots y_n$ such that,

\[v = y_1 \cdot b_1 + \dots + y_n \cdot b_n.\]


\[\begin{align} v & = v \\ x_1 \cdot b_1 + \dots + x_n \cdot b_n & = y_1 \cdot b_1 + \dots + y_n \cdot b_n \\ (x_1 - y_1) \cdot b_1 + \dots + (x_n - y_n) \cdot b_n & = 0. \end{align}\]

Since $B$ is linearly independent, the only representation of the 0 vector is trivial. Thus each $x_i - y_i = 0 \Rightarrow x_i = y_i$. Thus, the scalars are unique.


Since $\forall v \in V$ can be expressed uniquely, we know that $\{u_1, \dots, u_n\}$ spans $V$. Since the 0 vector can be expressed uniquely, we know that $\{u_1, \dots, u_n\}$ is linearly independent. Satisfying these two conditions, we know that $\{u_1, \dots, u_n\}$ forms a basis for $V$.



Prove that the eigenvalues of an upper triangular matrix $M$ are the diagonal components of $M$.


Take $M$ to be an upper triangular matrix

\[M = \begin{bmatrix} m_{11} & m_{12} & \dots & m_{1n} \\ 0 & m_{22} & \dots & \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \\ 0 & \dots & & m_{nn} \end{bmatrix}\]

Then to find the eigenvalues, we must solve the $det|M - \lambda I| = 0$. This gives

\[\begin{vmatrix} m_{11} - \lambda & m_{12} & \dots & m_{1n} \\ 0 & m_{22} - \lambda & \dots & \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \\ 0 & \dots & & m_{nn} - \lambda \end{vmatrix} = 0.\]

This is another upper triangular matrix. We know that the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal elements. So,

\[(m_{11} - \lambda) \cdot (m_{22} - \lambda ) \cdot \dots \cdot (m_{nn} - \lambda) = 0.\]

Thus, $\lambda = m_{ii}$ with $i \in {1, \dots, n}$; the eigenvalues are equal to the elements on the diagonals.



The defining property of a projection matrix $A$ is that $A^{2} = A$ (recall the definition of the square of a matrix from your linear algebra course). Establish the following facts.


If $A$ is a projection matrix, then all of its eigenvalues are either zero or one.

Starting with the eigenvalue equation, we know

\[A v = \lambda v.\]

Where $v$ is an eigenvector and $\lambda$ and eigenvalue. If we take $v=0$ and $A \neq 0$, then it must be the case that $\lambda = 0$. Also,

\[\begin{align} A v & = \lambda v \\ A A v & = A \lambda v \\ A^2 v & = \lambda A v \\ A v & = \lambda A v & \text{Projection} \\ \lambda = 1. \end{align}\]

Thus, $\lambda = 0$ or $\lambda = 1$.


If $A \in \mathbb{R}^{p\times p}$ is a projection and symmetric (i.e., an orthogonal projection matrix), then for every vector $v$ the projection $Av$ is orthogonal to $v - Av$.

\[\begin{align} Av \cdot (v - Av) & = (Av)^T (v-Av) \\ & = v^T A^T (v-Av) \\ & = v^T A^T v - v^T A^T A v \\ & = v^T A^T v - v^T A^T A^T v & \text{Symmetric} \\ & = v^T A^T v - v^T (A^T)^2 v \\ & = v^T A^T v - v^T A^T v & \text{Projection} \\ & = 0 \end{align}\]

Since the dot product is 0, they are orthogonal.


$\text{tr}(A + B) = \text{tr}(A) + \text{tr}(B)$.

\[\begin{align} \text{tr}(A+B) & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{ii} + b_{ii} \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (a_{ii}) + \sum_{i=1}^{n} (b_{ii}) \\ & = \text{tr}(A) + \text{tr}(B) \end{align}\]


$\text{tr}(AB) = \text{tr}(BA)$.

\[\begin{align} \text{tr}(AB) & = \sum_{i=1}^n (AB)_{ii} \\ & = \mathbf{a_{11} b_{11}} + a_{12} b_{21} + \dots a_{1n} b_{n1} \\ & + \mathbf{a_{21} b_{12}} + a_{22} b_{22} + \dots a_{2n} b_{n2} \\ & + \dots \\ & + \mathbf{a_{n1} b_{1n}} + a_{n2} b_{2n} + \dots a_{nn} b_{nn} \\ \\ & = a_{11} b_{11} + b_{12} a_{21} + \dots + b_{1n} a_{n1} \\ & + \dots \\ & + b_{n1} a_{1n} + b_{n2} a_{2n} + \dots + b_{nn} a_{nn} \\ & = \text{tr}(BA) \end{align}\]


Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{p\times p}$ be symmetric. Use the spectral decomposition of $A$ to show that

\[\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}^{p}\setminus\{0\}} \frac{x'Ax}{x'x} = \lambda_{\max}\]

where $\lambda_{\max}$ is the largest eigenvalue of $A$. Observe that this is a special case of the Courant-Fischer theorem (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min-max_theorem).

To show this equality we need to show both that $\lambda_{\max}$ is the supremum and also that the function attains this value.

Using the spectral theorem,

\[\frac{x^T A x}{x^T x} = \frac{ x^T Q^T D Q x }{ x^T x }\]

Where $D$ is a diagonal matrix with $\lambda_i$ on the $i$th diagonal and $Q$ is orthogonal.

\[\begin{align} \frac{x^TAx}{x^Tx} & = \frac{ x^T Q^T D Q x }{ x^T x } \\ & = \frac{ (Qx)^T D (Qx) }{ x^T x } \\ & = \frac{ v^T D v }{ x^T x } \\ & = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_i v_i^2 }{ x^T x } \\ & = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_i v_i^2 }{ x^T Q^T Q x } \text{Orthogonal} \\ & = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_i v_i^2 }{ v^T v } \\ & \leq \lambda_{\max} \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^n v^2 }{ v^T v } \\ & = \lambda_{\max} \end{align}\]

We must now show that $\lambda_{\max}$ is attained by the function. Take $x = Q^T e_i$. Then,

\[\begin{align} \frac{x^TAx}{x^Tx} & = \frac{ e_i^T Q Q^T D Q Q^T e_i }{ e_i^T Q Q^T e_i } \\ & = \frac{ e_i^T D e_i }{ e_i^T e_i }. \end{align}\]

This has the effect of picking out the $i$th eigenvalue, so it will attain $\lambda_{\max}$.


Let $x = (x_{1}, \dots, x_{p})’ \in \mathbb{R}^{p}$. Show that for $i \in {1,\dots,p}$,

\[|x_{i}| \le \|x\|_{2} \le \|x\|_{1},\]

where $| | \cdot | | _{1}$ and $| | \cdot|| _{2}$ are the $l_{1}$ and $l_{2}$ vector norms, respectively.

\[||x||_2 = \sqrt{x_1^2 + \dots + x_p^2} \leq \sqrt{x_1^2} + \dots + \sqrt{x_p^2} \leq |x_1| + \dots + |x_p| = ||x||_1\]

Thus, $||x||_2 \leq ||x||_1$.

\(|x_i| = \sqrt{x_i^2} \leq \sqrt{ \sum x_i^2} = ||x||_2\) $||x||_2 \leq ||x||_1$.

Thus, $|x_i| \leq ||x||_2 \leq ||x||_1$.


Show that every eigenvalue of a real symmetric matrix is real.

Take $A$ to be our real symmetric matrix with dimensions $p\times p$. By the spectral theorem we can say $A = QDQ^T$ where $D$ is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and $Q$ is the corresponding eigenvectors. Since $Q$ is linearly independent, it forms a basis of $\mathbb{R}^p$; all of its entries are real. Now notice $Q^T A Q = D$. Since all the entries in the left matrices are real and the real numbers are closed under addition and multiplication, that means all of the elements in $D$ must also be real. Thus, the eigenvalues are all real.


Show that if $X \sim \text{N}_{p}(\mu, \Sigma)$ and $Y = X’AX$, then $E(Y) = \text{tr}(A\Sigma) + \mu’A\mu$.

Notice that $E(Y)$ is a scalar, so $E(Y) = \text{tr}E(Y)$. Also notice that

\[Cov(X) = V(X) = E((X - E(X))(X-E(X))^T) = E(XX^T) - E(X)E(X^T)\] \[\begin{align} E(Y) & = E(X^T A X) \\ & = \text{tr}( E(X^T A X)) \\ & = E(\text{tr}( X^T A X)) \\ & = E(\text{tr}( A X X^T )) \\ & = \text{tr}( E(A E(X X^T)) ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A \Big[ E(XX^T) - E(X) E(X^T) + E(X)E(X^T) \Big] ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A ( \Sigma + \mu \mu^T) ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A \Sigma + A \mu \mu^T ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A \Sigma ) + \text{tr}( A \mu \mu^T ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A \Sigma ) + \text{tr}( \mu^T A \mu ) \\ & = \text{tr}( A \Sigma ) + \mu^T A \mu \end{align}\]


Let $U$ and $V$ be random variables. Establish the following inequalities.


$P(|U+V| > a + b) \le P(|U| > a) + P(|V| > b)$ for every $a,b \ge 0$.

From the triangle inequality we get

\[P(|U+V| > a + b) \leq P(|U| + |V| > a + b).\]

If we look at the set ${ |U| + |V| > a + b }$, its complement is ${ |U| + |V| \leq a + b }$. Notice

\[{|U| + |V| \leq a + b} \subset \{|U| \leq a\} \cap \{|V| \leq b\}.\]

Now if we take the complement again we get

\[|U| + |V| > a + b \subset \{ |U| > a \} \cup \{|V| > b \}.\]


\[\begin{align} P( |U| + |V| > a+b) & \leq P(|U| > a \cup |V| > b) \\ & \leq P(|U| > a) + P(|V| > b). \end{align}\]


$P(|UV| > a) \le P(|U| > a/b) + P(|V| > b)$ for every $a \ge 0$ and $b > 0$.

Notice that $P(|UV| > a) = P(|UV| > \frac{ a }{ b } \cdot b)$ for $b>0$. Notice that the complements of ${ |UV| > \frac{ a }{ b } \cdot b) }$ is ${ |UV| \leq \frac{ a }{ b } \cdot b) }$. Then,

\[\{ |UV| \leq \frac{ a }{ b } \cdot b) \} \subset \{ |U| \leq \frac{ a }{ b }\} \cap \{ |V| \leq b) \}\]

Taking the complement again gives ${ |U| > \frac{ a }{ b } } \cup { |V| > b }$. Thus,

\[\begin{align} P(|UV| > a) & \leq P(\{ |U| > \frac{ a }{ b } \} \cup \{ |V| > b \} ) \\ & \leq P(|U| > \frac{ a }{ b }) + P(|V|>b). \end{align}\]